What’s Open, What’s Not on Presidents’ Day

photo of mount rushmore

Here’s a list of what’s open and what’s closed this Presidents Day, Feb. 21.

Montgomery County

County Offices—Closed.


COVID-19 test kit and mask distributions at libraries—No distributions on Feb. 21.

Alcohol Beverages Services (ABS)—All stores open from noon-6 p.m.

Recreation—Aquatics facilities will be open and all aquatics programs will meet as scheduled.  All senior centers and community recreation centers will be closed. All other classes and programs will not be held.

Montgomery Parks – For special programs, events and operating schedule, including campgrounds, ice rinks and tennis centers, visit the Montgomery Parks website. Montgomery County Parks Headquarters, Customer Service and Permit Offices will be closed. The Open Parkways schedule is extended for the holiday weekend to include Monday, Feb. 21.

Ride On—Operates on new schedules that went into effect on Jan. 16. The schedules can be viewed at the transportation website.

Ride On extRa and Flex—Not in service.

Flash—Will operate on a weekend schedule (Orange line only).

MARC Train and Commuter bus—Information available at the Maryland MTA website.

Metrobus—Will operate on a Saturday supplemental schedule

Metrorail—Will run regularly scheduled weekday service.

TRiPS Silver Spring Commuter Store—Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

TRiPS Mobile Commuter StoreClosed

County-collected trash and recycling—No collection will be made on Feb. 21. Collections will continue the following day and slide by one day from the regular schedules. For information on the schedule go to https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/sws/holidays/

The Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station—Open for trash and recycling drop-offs. The Recycling Center will be closed. No tours will be scheduled.

Parking at public garages, lots, curbside metersFree

State Motor Vehicle Administration offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program stations—Closed

State offices and courts—Closed

City of Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg City Hall and most city facilities will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21.

Recycling will take place as scheduled, but bulk pick up is unavailable.

The regular Mayor and City Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

Police Department Administrative Offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

City of Rockville

Rockville City Hall and most city facilities will be closed on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 21.

Parking at city-owned meters will be free on Presidents Day.

The Rockville Swim and Fitness Center will open for regular hours.

All other city facilities will be closed, including the Rockville Senior Center; Croydon Creek Nature Center; Lincoln Park, Thomas Farm and Twinbrook community centers; Glenview Mansion; the Rockville Civic Center business office; and the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre box office.

Recycling and trash will be collected as usual on Monday, Feb. 21 and throughout the week.


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