White Oak Liquor Store Temporarily Closes Due to COVID-19

The White Oak Liquor and Wine store, which is operated by Montgomery County’s Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS), is closed temporarily after a store employee tested positive for COVID-19. It is expected to reopen on Dec. 30.

Once ABS became aware Dec. 19, the store on 11239 New Hampshire Ave. in Silver Spring, did not open. The employee last worked at the store Dec. 17, according to ABS’s news release.

The store was disinfected and deep cleaned, according to the news release. A chemical fogger and manual wipe down of all products and high contact surfaces were done. Plexiglass was installed at each register as a barrier.

Some staff members are quarantining.

ABS is the alcohol wholesaler of beer, wine and spirits for Montgomery County and operates 25 beer, wine and spirits stores throughout the county and one spirits-only store in Poolesville.

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