UPDATE July 24: The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commisioners approved an extension of the “Get Current” program from July 31 to Aug. 31.
Original: The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Water (WSSC) plans to resume turning off service to residential customers with overdue accounts on July 5. WSSC currently has about 83,000 accounts past due and owe a total of about $53 million. The vast majority of the past due accounts are residential customers.
WSSC only disconnects water-service when all other reasonable alternatives have been exhausted, including efforts to connect every income-constrained customer with available financial assistance. WSSC Water offers several financial assistance programs to help customers get current with their bill. Information about customer assistance programs may be found at wsscwater.com/assistance.
WSSC introduced the “Get Current” program to assist customers behind on their water bill. It provides bill credits and waives all late payment fees and turn-on fees. The program originally was set to end on June 30 but now will extend through July.
Nearly 700 customers have taken advantage of the program so far.
Eligible customers will have 100 percent of their late payment charges and turn-on fees waived. Bill credits will also be available for eligible customers.
“We are extending this program to encourage those struggling to make ends meet to reach out to us and take advantage of the financial benefits of the Get Current program,” said WSSC Water General Manager and CEO Kishia L. Powell. “We will continue to work closely with those behind on their water and sewer bills to avoid service disruption. We want to do everything possible to keep our safe, clean water flowing into each home and business in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties. However, we must stem the loss of revenue. We have a public health duty to ensure we recover funds to invest in, and improve, our critical infrastructure.”
Eligibility is based on area median income by household size. The last day to apply for the program is July 31.
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