WSSC Water’s temporary bill assistance program, Get Current 2.0, launched on March 1 and continues through June 30. The program helps eligible customers with delinquent water and sewer bills.
Customers with past-due balances as of Feb. 1 can receive bill credits up to 50 percent and full waivers of late payment charges and turn-on fees. The program targets residential customers with household incomes below 150 percent of the area median income.
Eligible customers can receive a 50 percent bill credit by paying the full delinquent balance. They can also receive a 25 percent credit by paying half the balance and enrolling in a six-month payment plan. The 25 percent credit applies after completing the plan, and all late fees and turn-on charges are waived.
Customers above 150 percent of the area median income can have late fees and turn-on charges waived if they pay in full or make a 50 percent payment and settle the balance within six months. Commercial and multi-unit residential accounts with master meters also qualify for waived fees.
Nearly 74,000 accounts, totaling over $47 million, are currently past due, with 95 percent belonging to residential customers.
For more information, visit wsscwater.com/getcurrent. Additional assistance programs are available at wsscwater.com/assistance.
Get Current 2.0 150 percent Area Median Income limits by Household Size